Aminet 37
Aminet 37 (2000)(Schatztruhe)[!][Jun 2000].iso
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229 lines
;$VER: Image Descriptor Text File 2.00 (20/03/2000)
Welcome to Emax Image Descriptor 2 by Tomasz Malerczyk
Image Descriptor 2 is small program with you can
add your own description to images.
It supports Amiga IFF-ILBM images, and image formats
used on World Wide Web: GIF (87a, 89a), PNG, JPEG
Additional features:
- MUI user interface
- removes any description already present in images
- edit, change already present description (if any found)
and write it back to image
- descripting all directories
(you can select any image format and select which will be used)
- adding file comment (user specified text or image based info)
- shows to user few image informations (resolution, depth etc.)
- datatypes not needed for loading and saving images
(so it should work with OS lower than 3.0)
- it use OpenURL library (if installed) to call Web Browser
so you can visit Web Site or e-mail to author at any time
- its very easy and its FREE!
The program Image Descriptor 2 is distributed "as is"
and the author will not be responsible for any
damage on either you, your computer or any data.
This program is used entirely on YOUR own risk.
Image Descriptor 2 and this manual is
Copyrighted © 2000 by Tomasz Malerczyk.
MUI is Coprighted by Stefan Stuntz.
Asm-Pro by Genetic.
MUI Builder by Eric Totel.
OpenUrl library by Troels Walsted Hansen.
Image Descriptor 2 requires:
- Magic User Interface (MUI) 3.8 or higher
- asl.library
- AmigaOS 2.0 or higher (not tested on OS 3.5)
- some free memory
- some images ...
Used but not required:
- more free memory (for big images)
- hard disk
- openurl.library (and Web Browser ofcourse)
Image Descriptor 2 is released as Mailware.
It may be used, copied and spread as long as you want
without taking any charge for it but you must send
mail to author.
Very easy! Just clik on Install icon and install
script do all work.
You can uninstall it anytime using install script again.
How to use Image Descriptor.
The main window consists of four pages:
File, Note, Info and About.
File page
This page shows file information and provides
buttons for file operations.
File info:
Name: Name of image loaded into memory
names of images in multi file mode
Type: Type of image loaded into memory (ILBM, JPEG, PNG, GIF)
word "MULTI" indicated that program is working
in multi file mode
Size: Size of image in bytes
number of selected images in multi file mode
MultiFile image type:
Tells the program which image format will be loaded
when user selects many diffirent image formats.
For example:
If you selects four GIFs, nine ILBMs and 400 JPEGs and
you choose GIF in MultiFile Type then only that four GIFs
will be loaded and saved with description added.
NOTE: This selection is valid only for description.
When you select Clean Up it doesnt matter what
type is choosed, all supported images will be
Add file comment:
A file comment may be added to image(s), both user specified
(a string gadget will be activated then) or based on
image type, resolution and depth.
None: file comment will not be changed (if any exits).
User: if you choose this a string gadged will be enabled,
then you may type short text there (max 70 chars)
this text will be set as file comment
Image Info: file comment based on image informations
example file comments:
JPEG - 00640 x 00512 - 256
ILBM - 00030 x 00100 - 16M
first image type (ILBM, JPEG, GIF, PNG)
then resolution (width x height)
and color info (000-256, 16M, HAM)
Open - load image(s)
Save - save image(s)
Clean up - remove any descriptions from image(s)
Note page
On this page you can add your description to image(s).
You may found that four diffirent pages will appear here
depends on loaded image format.
you can add Author, Title, Copyright and Annotation info
you can add one line comment
you can add Author, Title, Copyright and Comment info
you can add one line comment
PPaint supports Author, Title, Copyright infos
so GIF images writed by this program may have
very strange comment.
If you change that comment with Image Descriptor 2
PPaint will show it as comment.
all above are limited to 256 chars lenght
If image already contains description it will be shown here allowing
you to change it.
Info page
Like in Note page you can see here four diffirent pages.
Depending on loaded image a few informations will be available here.
Or not if you selected more than one image to load.
About page
This page contains well known about informations.
You may read here about program version, author contact,
additional infos and greetings.
If you are connected to Internet and you have
installed openurl.library you may click
on URL to visit Image Descriptor 2 Web Site or
click on e-mail adress to send me an e-mail.
If you want something from me or only
say how beatiful is this program and how
much you like it :)
Write to:
Tomasz Malerczyk
ul.Szczesliwa 10/3
41-506 Chorzow
internet: http://www.imagedescriptor.prv.pl/
or e-mail: feedback@imagedescriptor.prv.pl
Please e-mail me at any of above if you have any question.